“Before we had our voice, we had our eyes.”
(Press Release) DUBLIN, IRELAND — “Before we had our voice, we had our eyes” is the powerful opening message from Allergan’s new campaign to raise awareness for chronic dry eye. The campaign, titled “Eyepowerment,” aims to empower individuals who may be struggling with symptoms of chronic dry eye to talk to their doctor.
Research shows that people read emotions in each other’s eyes, but redness, itching and watering eyes – all common symptoms of chronic dry eye – may unintentionally send the wrong message. Through Eyepowerment, Allergan’s goal is to educate people on eye symptoms that may indicate chronic dry eye disease and empower them to talk to a doctor.
“As a global leader in eye care, we are always working toward raising awareness for and renewing the conversation around the issue of chronic dry eye since it affects millions of people,” said Herm Cukier, senior vice president, eye care. “The campaign taps into consumers’ emotions, hopefully inspiring more people to find Eyepowerment.”
Eyepowerment aims to highlight game changers, trailblazers and statement makers that have inspired and empowered others to reach their full potential. The faces of the campaign are those that embody the spirit behind Eyepowerment, whose presence – and eyes – helped tell their personal story, reveal their character and leave their mark on the world.
The Eyepowerment campaign includes digital, social, television, print and public relations support. The Eyepowerment social media channels and landing page launched on Feb. 24 and offered the official debut of the new advertisement. In addition, Allergan partnered with celebrity influencers to engage consumers during the airing of the awards show on Feb. 26 to kick off the Eyepowerment concept. Fans were encouraged to share selfies of their eyes on Twitter to show that eyes are more powerful than any red carpet dress, using #Eyepowerment and #Donate. For every #Eyepowerment shared along with an “eye selfie,” Allergan will donate $10 to Dress for Success, up to $25,000. The campaign will be further supported with broadcast spots beginning in early March and print kicking off this summer.
Join the Eyepowerment conversation by following @Eyepowerment on Twitter and using the hashtag #Eyepowerment. Visit Eyepowerment.com to learn more.