Nancy Revis
Uber Optics, Petaluma, CA
If you don’t start a business in order to have full reign to be as crazy as you want to be are you even doing it right? No, according to INVISION’s America’s Finest 2023 winner, Nancy Revis… “I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission to be a nutball. And I have the most amazing staff that is just as warped and twisted as I am. They are my ‘ride or die’ and we are a family first and foremost. I love creating a space that is a second home so my employees have a great time working here.” But add her sales reps and customers to this motley crew of characters. “I love, love, love ordering my incredible selection of eyewear. My reps feel like family to me. And one more thing on my favorite list… my cool customers!!” On her ‘No thanks’ list? “Lab bills. That’s pretty much it.” When she does have to unwind, she’ll hit up a few people to grab a drink at Easy Rider – “one of my favorite places in town” – or she’ll hurry home to “put my pajama bottoms on as fast as humanly possible and pour a glass of a crispy Sauv Blanc.” Same Nancy, same.