Is there any way to renegotiate this mess?
The associate OD’s wife was supposed to be doing an audit; now she’s a potential whistleblower!
She’s even been frozen out of after-work drinking sessions!
A doctor’s departure has hit staff members' wallets—and they’re pushing back.
Patients assume he has been; how should staff handle inquiries?
She looks like she’ll be a handful—but are there ethical considerations? And then there’s the dog…
Her boss went for an outside hire — then had him implement her ideas!
Her son goes to a daycare where a teacher’s husband tested positive; and she came to work!
There are continuity-of-care issues for this office to consider…
Since the agreement was made, new retailers, similar lines and diminishing sales have changed the equation.
This new office manager needs to work out a plan—fast.
How would you handle this laid-off loafer?
She refused to pay—and kept the glasses!
As far as she’s concerned, this is one spurious supervisor.
You could call it a case of ‘hit and nun.’
Her illicit contact lenses trigger more problems than she bargained for.
Her ethics are being tested on her first day on the job.
What would you say to an OD who balked at legal firearms in her office?
The doc wants to keep treating him and hopes to erase that negative online review despite his overdue balance.
They had such high hopes: What can the practice do better next time?