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Cherry Optical Lab Selected as First Independent Lab to Participate in Essilor Experts Program

This addition will provide existing and new practices considering the program an Independent laboratory choice.




(PRESS RELEASE) GREEN BAY, WI — Cherry Optical Lab, headquartered in Green Bay, WI, has become one of the first Independent optical laboratories to participate in Essilor Experts. Previously, Essilor Experts was only available to Eye Care Professionals via Essilor owned laboratories. The addition of Cherry Optical lab will provide existing and new practices considering the program an Independent laboratory choice.

Cherry has an outstanding track record of success with Essilor, Varilux, Transitions, and Crizal products. By consistently leading with innovation while producing and distributing all widely used lens material, styles and coatings, Cherry Optical Lab earned the following recognition:

  • Five-time Essilor IDD Laboratory of the Year (2010, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019)
  • Three-time Varilux Award of Excellence (2015, 2016, 2017)
  • Essilor Xperio UVTM Award of Excellence (2018)
  • X-Cel Outstanding Achievement Award (2016)
  • Essilor IDD Very Important Partner Award for National Labs – Adam Cherry, President (2018) and Bill Lee, Premium Brand Consultant (2017)

“With the recent changes from a major player in the vision plan segment of eye care, it is increasingly important for Independent Eye Care Professionals to have all the options for lenses and laboratory services, not fewer,” notes Adam Cherry, president. “While profit is the ultimate goal of every business, it should not come at the expense of those that built your business. While Cherry Optical Lab is not a contract laboratory for any vision plan program, we believe it is important for our customers’ to confidently dispense the lenses and options they feel are best for all their patients every day. By partnering with Essilor to be one of the first Independent Essilor Experts laboratory options, we are ensuring our customers can continue to feel financially confident prescribing the world’s most advanced and proven lens technologies.”

Essilor Experts was developed to give Eye Care Professionals an edge in the marketplace. Participating practices enjoy a suite of benefits, including exclusive advertising, training, and technology, which attract and engage patients and optimize business results.


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