This article originally appeared in the May 2015 edition of INVISION.
➤… but less each year. Harry Roth, EyeQ Opticians, Millburn, NJ
➤We have a small in-column ad. We are gradually reducing the size. They gave us a good deal this last year. We wanted to go smaller, but they gave us a big ad for the same price as the small one we wanted, so we stuck with it for one more year. Jennifer Cochrane, Cochrane Family Eyecare, Reno, NV
➤We see a lot of elderly patients and that still seems to be their go-to place for information. However, we stopped the color half-page ad and now have a black-and-white quarter-page ad. Jess Gattis, Thomas Vision Clinic, Leesville, LA
➤We just stopped one month ago. It feels strange after 40 years of advertising with them, but we feel it is obsolete. Mary Canfield, Orlando Eyecare, Orlando, FL
➤As a start-up practice, I’m putting my ad money into local charities (schools, churches, etc.) and our upscale all-city glossy magazine. Cindy Seemann, Design Vision Optical/Kids’ Optique, Wauwatosa, WI
➤We concentrate on our Web presence and community involvement. Community events have been wonderful for us. The one-on-one with our patients and future patients keeps us in the forefront of their minds. Alissa McKinstry, Lambaria Eye and Optical, Davison, MI
➤Thanks to Google, the Yellow Pages are just about dead. I polled about 500 locals and less than 2 percent used the Yellow Pages. AJ Sweeney, Martin Eye Care, Smyrna, TN
➤Too expensive, poor ROI. Dr. Scott Drake, Custom Eyes, Lee’s Summit, MO
➤No one ever looks at the Yellow Pages anymore! The only way this is effective is by putting a magnet on the book. Everyone LOVES magnets! Jade Kowalick, Bright Eyes Family Vision Care, Tampa, FL
➤We don’t believe the Yellow Pages is a great place to capture our audience. We would rather market ourselves in local magazines, our website and other social media outlets. Matt Koehler, Petrou Eye Care, Glendale, WI
➤The Yellow Pages are used as booster seats in my family. Kevin Count, Corner Optical, Glenview, IL
➤They’re a dinosaur, and only serve to emphasize presbyopia. Tamara Walker, Eyepolis, Homestead, PA