1 Little known fact: The ZIP in ZIP Code stands for Zone Improvement Plan and was part of an upgrade of the mail system under the Kennedy administration. Mark THE ZIP CODE’S 60TH BIRTHDAY with an experiment in location-based marketing by choosing a nearby market you don’t normally target in your Facebook or Google ads.
1 July is home to CELEBRATE SENIOR INDEPENDENCE, LOW VISION AWARENESS, and DRY EYE MONTH. Find tips on low vision at preventblindness.org and dry eye at allaboutdryeye.com to share with your email list.
2 MADE IN THE USA DAY is your chance to wave the flag for American eyewear manufacturers, especially the independents that have built their reputations on local sourcing of skills and material.
12 DIFFERENT COLORED EYES DAY. Heterochromia is a relatively rare condition, typically hereditary and usually benign. But it can also be a sign of something serious. Among celebrities Kate Bosworth probably has the most notable case, but it’s Mila Kunis’s story (chronic iritis) that best illustrates the importance of comprehensive eye exams. Help spread the message.