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Editor's Note

Editor’s Note: I’m Not an Optometrist, I’m an Optimist




Editor’s Note: I’m Not an Optometrist, I’m an Optimist

Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy New Year! Whatever holidays you observe, I hope 2016 has been as good to you and your business as it has been for me. 

Obviously, the end of any year is the perfect time for reflection: appreciating the hardships you’ve weathered and the valuable lessons learned. In that spirit, I hope you read this issue’s Big Story about ECPs who survived disasters (page 44) with the same sense of awe and amazement that I felt while speaking to each of them. Running a small business is hard on any given day, but I think  when you read about these businesses that faced serious challenges and survived … and ultimately thrived, you’ll be left with the same feeling of optimism I felt. And, of course, in true INVISION fashion we asked each business owner to offer his own advice on how you can overcome similar disasters should they arise.

For some lighter fare, check out “D’OH!” on page 54. Every once in a while, we all utter something we immediately wish we hadn’t said. We asked ECPs what things they wish they could stop saying in their businesses and collected our favorite responses. Some make very good business sense and others are just laugh out loud funny.

Last, I often assume that as a whole INVISION readers are super progressive, forward-thinking and technologically savvy (I am happily biased), so it caught me a bit off guard that responses to a recent Brain Squad question about responsive site design returned so many answers that indicated the opposite. There are still quite a few of you who haven’t dedicated the time or resources necessary to presenting a cohesive, attractive and user-friendly web experience. Something that has become a necessity to capture new customers. I think it’s a topic we may have to spend more time on in 2017.

Best wishes for your business,


dee signature 

Dee Carroll

This article originally appeared in the October 2016 edition of INVISION.


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