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Emotional Intelligence, Facing Your Fears and More October Events

Plus National Sight Week is more important than ever this year, how can you help out?




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1 According to the Carnegie Institute of Technology, 85 percent of an individual’s financial success can be attributed to their “human engineering skills”, i.e. their personality and ability to communicate and lead. In short, success is much more about EQ than IQ. During EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AWARENESS MONTH, ask yourself what you can do to improve your ability to make others feel valued and understood.

14 John Wooden’s unmatched record as a basketball coach wasn’t built on fiery speeches and demands to go beyond the pain barrier. Instead, he followed a process of explanation, demonstration, imitation, correction and repetition. “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen,” he famously said. Keep that in mind today, the anniversary of WOODEN’S 1910 BIRTH DATE, as you coach and role-play with your staff ahead of the key holiday season.

18-24 NATIONAL SIGHT WEEK. Operation Sight helps uninsured and underinsured patients, who often face unemployment and financial constraints as a result of impaired vision. It matches patients with volunteer surgeons who provide cataract surgery at no cost. Can you help out?

20 FACE YOUR FEARS DAY. Think of something making you anxious and ask yourself: What’s the worst that could happen as a result of dealing with it? Now, could you handle the repercussions?





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