Workplace Wellness: Employee Expectations of ECPs
Employees expect ECPs to educate them on their vision insurance plan’s benefits — according to the 2022 Transitions Optical Workplace Wellness survey. Employees also prefer to receive their benefit information from an ECP versus their insurance provider. Almost all (98%) employees surveyed say they expect their ECP to explain the vision services and eyewear products covered under their insurance plan, the costs of covered services and eyewear products, and how they can maximize their benefits. In contrast, only 31% of employees prefer to access their benefit information through their vision insurance plan’s website.
Missing for First Brief Better Communication for Improved Eye Health Outcomes
The AOA ( in partnership with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the American Academy of Ophthalmology (, the American Society of Retinal Specialists ( and the National Eye Institute (, announced a new resource to improve communication between diabetes care clinicians and eye health clinicians. The ADA convened these leading organizations to address communication issues and developed the new Eye Care Interprofessional Communication Protocol. Free, it includes two algorithms with narrative explanations detailing the recommended processes for eyecare-related communications.
In-Person vs. Online Buyers
The Vision Council released the Focused Insights: Online Vs. In-Person Buyers 2022 report which provides information on the differences and similarities between online and in-person eyewear buyers, including demographic data, managed vision care use, eye exams, Rx eyeglasses/sunglasses, CLs, plano sunglasses, and reading glasses. The report found that in-person Rx glasses buyers tend to spend more out-of-pocket per purchase, but online buyers have made purchases more recently, intend to do so again sooner, and are also more likely to buy multiple pairs. Online eyewear buyers are younger, have higher household incomes, and have higher education levels compared to in-person buyers.