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Fashion Frames Couldn’t Save Google Glass

The company shuts down sales of its poorly performing consumer version.




Not even Diane von Furstenberg frames could make Google Glass look convincingly like a mass-market consumer product. Despite contracts pending with Luxottica, Google announced last week that it had shut down retail sales of Glass. No surprise: The product was going nowhere in the marketplace. As an industrial or professional tool, on the other hand, Glass appears to have a strong future – which may have been what Google intended all along. From the beginning, the company teased the device to huge media attention as the next iPhone, only secondarily featuring its possible use by engineers and surgeons, for example. But it’s those engineers and surgeons (and eyecare professionals) who have taken to Glass and are devising important new applications for its use. In that respect, at least, Glass could live up to its much-ballyhooed revolutionary potential.

Read more and see images at PC World | Wall Street Journal | Business Insider


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