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Manager's To-Do

Get Those Holiday and FSA Customers to ‘Bounce Back’ and More Manager’s To Dos for December and January

Don’t forget your delivery people this holiday season and an accent wall as part of your seasonal merchandising? You betcha!




lady holding shopping bags

Dec. 5-11

MARKETING Hand out “bounce-back” coupons with all purchases. Get some of that increased traffic flow you see during the busy season to bounce back during the first quarter of 2022.

Dec. 12-18

MARKETING Similar to the holiday shopping season itself, the “flex-dollar” period seems to just get longer and longer. Remind patients in all correspondence that many insurers extend flex-dollar benefits until March.

Dec. 19-25

HOLIDAY SPIRIT Exemplify the spirit of the holiday season by making coffee and water available for the UPS, FedEx and other courier service guys who are going flat out in support of your operation.

Dec. 26-Jan. 1

MANAGEMENT On New Year’s Eve, here’s a question to ask yourself as you prepare to close the door on 2021: Was the less-than-successful approach I took to a long-running issue, challenge, or problem this year the same one that I used in 2020?


Jan. 2-8

STAFF The pressure of the holidays is likely to have exposed the odd flaw in your staff’s skills and behaviors. Have those difficult conversations now so you can have positive relationships going forward.

Jan. 9-15

PLANNING In value terms, the average eye exam in the U.S. runs more than $300. That’s what an unfilled slot is costing you. Based on your schedule, work out how much that adds up to in a year. Such a review will help you start the planning process for 2022.

Jan. 16-22

OPERATIONS Compose a troubleshooting triage guide for your office that allows you to troubleshoot lenses efficiently. Says licensed optician and blogger Katie Lauver: “Instead of passing the patient who is having visual complaints on to the doctor … see if you can save your doctor some time and conquer the problem yourself.”

Jan. 23-29

DISPLAY Preplan your window displays and themed in-store displays for each selling season. Make sure you have a system for rotating stock so that shoppers who frequently pass your store find the offerings fresh and alive. Idea: Find one dominant wall in the store and aim to paint it every quarter in a new color to match your seasonal theme.


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