When it comes to marketing to kids, your goal should be getting them to drag their parents into your business. At Mill Creek Optical in Dansville, NY, they do that with lots of child-focused events and giveaways. “Free ice cream treats on the last day of school, ‘I Spy’ sheets for kids to find items around the shop, etc. help get parents in to talk about making sure their children have had eye exams and are protected from the sun,” explains owner Jennifer Leuzzi.
SALESJobs for Everyone
Whenever there is more than one person involved in the frame selection process (a spouse, child, or sibling) John Bruening at Geauga Vision Group in Middlefield, OH, assigns them a position such as “bodyguard,” “fashion consultant,” “chauffeur,” or another nonsensical position, to include them and put them at ease. “It usually gets at least a chuckle, and they often embrace the title,” he says, noting humor is a great way to relax the client.
SELF-AWARENESSBetter Than Perfect
Perfection isn’t just impossible. It’s counterproductive, notes Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist and author of bestseller Think Again. “Perfectionists are more likely to burn out and less likely to embrace new challenges. Success depends on high standards, not being flawless. The target is not perfection — it’s excellence.”
MARKETINGSuit Up for Prom
Prom season is often overlooked as a marketing opportunity by ECPs. It shouldn’t be, says Melanie Jenkins, manager of Spring Hill Eyecare in Spring Hill, TN. “Offer contacts for those who might be attending the prom they can wear for special occasions or full-time wear. Even suggest colored lenses so that dress color will make their eyes shine,” she says.
Can you achieve 2% of your goals for the year in the next week? It doesn’t seem like much time but that’s 2% of the year. It’s often too easy to punt a week — but when you think of it that way — it changes the math a bit.
STYLINGBuild a Capsule
Does choosing an outfit for work take an inordinate amount of time every morning? Try a “capsule wardrobe” — a collection of a limited number of clothing items that complement each other and can be mixed and matched effortlessly. The benefits, according to, are less decision fatigue and stress in the morning, while you also save money and lead a more environmentally friendly life. Here’s their guide on how to build such a wardrobe:
MANAGEMENTKnow When to Not
There are times when the best management is no management at all, says Stanford business school professor Bob Sutton. Writing on his LinkedIn blog, he says a common problem with business meetings is a version of “groupthink,” a premature consensus where everyone agrees on a plan before more potentially innovative solutions surface. And a key contributor to this can be the presence of the boss. “Sometimes the best way for a leader to reduce undue influence is to leave the room or avoid going to meetings where his or her presence will dampen frank discussion and deep examination of facts,” Sutton writes.