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Healthy Eyes Advantage Announces SPIN Partnership

It also reports on member response to COVID-19 related legal support offer.




(PRESS RELEASE) BOCA RATON, FL — Healthy Eyes Advantage Inc. has reported a robust response by the company’s membership to its offer of no-cost legal advice from health care regulatory compliance attorney Kyle Haubrich during the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 1,800 HEA members having taken advantage of the COVID-19 related free legal advice offering, conducting in excess of 2,200 consultative sessions with Haubrich to date. The vast majority of these interactions have focused on various aspects of the CARES Act, most notably the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), with HEA members eager to understand the application process, permitted uses of funds received and guidance on the loan forgiveness process.

As a result, HEA has entered into a partnership with SPIN, a collaborative solution offered by Haubrich’s firm, Sandberg Phoenix, and North Shore Computer Inc., that delivers a unique approach to regulatory compliance — including HIPAA, MACRA/MIPS, OSHA, Anti-Kickback, Stark Law, Medicare/Medicaid audits, and Fraud and Abuse audits — by combining the expertise of healthcare attorneys, HIPAA Consultants and IT professionals to thoroughly assess each practice’s privacy and security risks, and to design policies and procedures tailored to each ICEP’s needs. The program takes a consultative, in-office approach to regulatory compliance that includes an onsite practice review and staff training. The SPIN program is available to HEA members at exclusive discounted pricing.

“We are thrilled that so many members of the HEA community are taking advantage of Kyle’s generous provision of no-cost legal consultation regarding issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting business climate,” said HEA Chairman and CEO Jim McGrann. “HEA recognizes that our members, like all in the eye care industry, have faced and continue to face numerous challenges, and I am grateful to Kyle for partnering with us to make this important service available to our members.”

“The SPIN Team values the opportunity to help HEA members navigate legislation stemming from COVID-19,” said Haubrich. “In addition to challenges posed by the pandemic, there are a myriad of complex health care regulations which not only carry penalties for non-compliance but also the opportunity for increased payments for full compliance. Top performing practices can significantly increase their Medicare payments. The SPIN program is an easy way for IECPs to not only stay in compliance with applicable regulations but also to achieve top performer status and capitalize on the benefits of this status. We make the process easy and efficient so IECPs can focus on what they do best — caring for their patients.”

HEA members may continue to take advantage of exclusive no-cost access to Haubrich’s services for COVID-19 related matters by contacting him at 314.425.4936 or



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