(PRESS RELEASE) NORWALK, CT — IDOC is ending the year with a significant increase in its membership, citing the addition of over 250 new independent optometry practices and its optometrists to the IDOC community in 2020. The privately held IDOC alliance, founded in 1999, now includes private practice owners in all 50 states.
IDOC has also established relationships with new vendor partners, a development which brings new value to members through additional product and service discounts and member-only rebate programs. The new partners include Kenmark, OVVO Optics, Lumenis, Modern Optical and CareCredit – and HILCO and Science Based Health are expected to be added to the list in early 2021.
“Throughout the challenges of 2020, IDOC has been here to support the business interests of our members and the optometric industry as a whole,” said Dave Brown, president and CEO. “We have seen the positive impacts of keeping our community connected and informed and are pleased that we have greatly assisted IDOC-affiliated practices return to strong business growth in 2020 and look forward to continued growth in 2021.”
Over the past twelve months, IDOC has launched multiple new benefits for its members, including a redesigned website and expanded consulting team, Social Media Marketing services and a partnership with Illinois-based United Eye Care Providers (UECP), a leading group of private practice optometrists that are focused on advancing medical optometry expertise for independent ODs, including providing unique Continuing Education coursework throughout the year.
“By bringing more benefits and new relationships to our members, we’re opening up important new opportunities for revenue growth and profitability which we readily reinvest to strengthen our offerings,” said Oliver Spandow, CFO and executive VP. “That makes an IDOC membership all the more valuable going forward.”
“In what has been a difficult year for many, we remain grateful for the strength and optimism of our members and industry partners,” added Dave Brown. “As we look ahead to 2021, we are confident that our members will continue to strive to live the practice of their dreams and grow as an exceptional community of caregivers.”