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Inbox: September 2015





In my opinion, the two most valuable words in the eyewear industry have to be Customer Service! It helps your business grow with referrals, repeat patients, keeps your staff smiling, and ultimately helps your bottom line. We get so routine and we tend to forget what our real job is — helping people see, and that changes lives. Great customer service is a must. Practice this, and everything else will fall in line! Susan Kantor, Central Phoenix Eyecare, Phoenix, AZ

ED: We agree, Susan. Turn to page 58, where Brain Squad members told us about some of the many ways they’ve given above-and-beyond customer service.


We are a one-optometrist, one-optician private practice in the middle of Missouri. Dr. Sharon Batek bought the business in 1994, and had established herself, for a time, as the only female eye doctor for 25 miles. I have been the office manager and optician in the practice since 2007. This magazine has lit a new fire in me to become the best practice we can become. There are consistently so many great and useful ideas. Jackie Eckert, Batek Eyecare, Fulton, MO


I love reading the Real Deal in each issue. It’s helpful to see several different ways of handling a situation, and it gives a feeling of togetherness with other eyecare practices that are having similar issues. Leslie Boyd, Village Eye Care Optometry, Raleigh, NC

Each issue is just plain fun! I look forward to seeing what others are commenting on. I can’t say I have a favorite part of the magazine. I sit down with a cup of coffee and go cover to cover. Roger Donna, Fichman Eye Center, Torrington, CT


I would love to see interviews of successful small business owners that have nothing to do with optometry and get their take on what they would do with certain issues in our industry. Having a fresh set of eyes that have no prior notions of our business would be an interesting read. Josh Bladh, Dr. Taylor Bladh, Diamond Bar, CA

ED: Josh, check out our “If I Owned …” series, where people from outside (and a few from within) the industry tell what they’d do if they ran their own eyecare business. This month: great ideas from retail guru Matthew Hudson. Want to nominate an “If I Owned …” subject, or tell us anything else? Email


This article originally appeared in the September 2015 edition of INVISION.


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