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Incredibly Popular Video Shows How Glasses Were Made Decades Ago — Take a Look

It’s been shared 89,000+ times.




VIDEO that’s become extremely popular on Facebook shows the incredible handiwork that went into making eyeglasses in decades gone by.

The clip takes viewers from the optician’s office through the entire production process at a London factory. Workers can be seen carefully performing each step in making the lenses and frames, with much of the labor performed by hand.

The narrator notes: “What is staggering is the amount of individual skill there is that goes into the production of such conveyor-belt commodities.”


You got that right.

British Pathe posted the video, which is dated 1965, to its YouTube account in 2014. But it’s attracted a much larger audience since it was posted late last year to the Facebook page Vintage et Industrial. In three months, it’s been shared well over 89,000 times.

Watch the video:


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