I HAVE A THEORY. I call it “Pee Theory” after the phenomenon that sometimes you’re aware you have to pee but you’re just too busy — driving, waiting on hold, or needing to finish just one. more. thing. — so you push the need aside. But when you’re ready to head to the bathroom, what had been a minor nuisance is now urgent! And, oh my god, where is the bathroom!?! What you denied for so long becomes so pressing once relief is imminent you’re not sure you’re gonna make it. Hunger works the same way. Apparently, so does trauma.
This last year has been hard. The whole thing felt like one big study in crisis management. We put one foot in front of the other and carried on the best we could, ignoring the strain, because what else could we do? But the end is in sight and it feels like I, for one, am losing my ability to hold it all together long enough to get there.
The last 12 months have taken their toll: on our mental health, physical health, relationships. It’s made anticipating how things might go, or planning for the future, nearly impossible. Analysis paralysis is real when things just seem to keep going sideways.
Don’t get me wrong, there have been upsides — an increase in America’s Finest entries before our Early Bird deadline, and planning a live EyeInnovate event for fall come to mind – but even good problems put additional stress on an already maxxed out workload (mine) and morale is loooow (me again).
Maybe that sounds familiar? Our nightmare is almost over but the cracks have started to show and the seams to fray. Likely your team is feeling it too. Now might be a great time to lean into your culture and reiterate the things that make your business strong. Whether your culture is deeply engrained or nonexistent, our Big Story on page 34 will give you an excuse to bring its importance to the forefront and offer something positive to focus on.
And don’t worry, we’ll make it to the bathroom. We always do.
Best wishes for your business,
Five Smart Tips From This Issue
- Make National Moving Out Month work for you. New home buyers need ODs too. (Calendar, page 16)
- ECPs sure can find ways to save a few bucks. See if what worked for them could work for you. (Special Feature, page 42)
- Have a top performer that’s also a bit high maintenance? Show them the carrot. (Ask INVISION, page 50)
- Did you know that after the Christmas season, Mother’s Day is the next biggest spending holiday? Get your promos ready. (Benchmarks, page 54)
- The benefits of networking with other business professionals are manifold. ECPs share the ways they do it and why. (Do You or Don’t You, page 57)