MEI’s EzFit NoBlock
(Press Release)
MEI, an Italian supplier of industrial machinery to lens manufacturers and optical chains, displayed the EzFit NoBlock and the Ezline-connected BispheraTBA and RacerTBA production line at the recently held Vision Expo East.
EzFit, an all-in-one edger designed for small workshops and high-end or high-quantity retail outlets, comes in a semi-automatic model thanks to the NoBlock module, which offers automatic error-free lens centering. With NoBlock, which is also available as an update, EzFit can operate without using a block.
The NoBlock module includes a frontofocometer – the blockless centering system for monofocal, bifocal and progressive lenses – and a dual loading arm for automatic machine loading/unloading. The module loads the next lens while the machine is shaping the previous one and, in combination with EzFit, allows users without any particular experience to position the lens properly by automatically compensating for any errors.
The NoBlock module can work in two ways: non-stop, to obtain maximum output, or single-pair, to shape both lenses without user interaction. Non-stop operations allow EzFit to work without interruption, thus allowing a new job to be prepared while the previous one is still in progress. Single-pair operation requires both lenses to be loaded and shapes both without any need for user interaction.
For large workshops, MEI has an industrial line that includes BispheraTBA and RacerTBA which are connected by EzLine.
The automatic EzLine conveyor and feeder system is a modular job tray conveyor system that optimizes work flows when there are two or more machines. EzLine receives the job trays from the factory conveyor belt or from the MEI de-stackers, downloads the OMA data files from the server and handles the job load of the entire line. The control unit sends the job to the machine with the least workload while taking account of job specifications and machine capacity. The control unit has a map of the capacity of each machine and ensures that every job is sent to a machine that can handle it; in doing so, the line can include different types of machines.
EzLine has a conveyor loop that comes with the machine and is controlled by the machine itself as well as a computer that works as a server. Since each machine is connected to the line with a network cable, there are no mechanical connections between them. At the entrance of each machine, a barcode scanner reads the job ticket and decides if the tray should enter or proceed to the end of the line.