(PRESS RELEASE) CHARLESTON, SC – Nectar Sunglasses launches its initiative dedicated to helping increase the population of honeybees. Now through August, every online purchase will be accompanied by a bag of Honeybee Wildflower Mix for customers to plant their very own pollen-rich flowers.
Since its start, Nectar has committed to helping preserve and grow the multi-million-year-old insect population to ensure its sustainability for future generations. Through its partnership with American Meadows, online retailer of wildflower seeds, perennial plants, flower bulbs and vegetable seeds in North America, Nectar is now providing its customers with an opportunity to make an impact in reversing the declining population.
The special blend of wildflower seeds features 19 nectar-rich wildflowers and clovers to create a seasonal bee-friendly habitat. Easy to grow across much of the country, this pollinator-friendly mix includes 12 annual varieties including Lacy Phacelia and Yellow Prairie Coneflower for quick, first-season blooms, as well as seven perennial wildflowers such as Mexican Hat and Echinacea for years of lasting color.
“Spring is a beautiful time to start helping our hurting honeybee population by simply planting some fresh pollen-rich flowers,” said Dylan Roukous, co-founder of Nectar. “We hope to share the importance of this species impact on our planet, and through this project, our customers will know that they are playing a part in saving these amazing creatures.”
Nectar’s Honey Bee Wildflower Mix contains pure, non-GMO and Neonicotinoid-free seeds that are guaranteed to grow. The mix can be used and shipped to any continental U.S. state. International orders and orders to Hawaii are not included in the promotion.