A NEURO-OPTOMETRIC REHABILITATION optometrist or ophthalmologist can diagnose and treat neurological conditions that negatively impact the visual system. Anyone who’s had a stroke, aneurysm, brain tumor or concussion, or is suffering from cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, can present with visual problems. Neuro-optometric rehabilitation therapy is a customized treatment program for patients whose neurological condition or disease has resulted in visual deficits. These specialists can help patients rehabilitate their vision with specific optical lenses and eye-training exercises that rewire the brain. Devices include specialized prisms, colored tints and eye tracking tools as well as vestibular training to help bring balance to the visual system for optimal function.

LKC Technologies
RETeval is a battery-powered, portable ERG/VEP Testing device.
(301) 840-1992 | lkc.com

Carl Zeiss Meditec
HFA3 visual field machine offers tests for detecting vision loss caused by neurological conditions.
(925) 557-4100 | zeiss.com/med

Diopsys NOVA ERG desktop screen and VEP Vision Testing System with checkerboard pattern.
(973) 244-0622 | diopsys.com

The Neurolens Measurement Device, Gen 2 (nMD2), measures binocular vision. The doctor then prescribes Neurolenses based off these measurements.
(888) 236-2219 | neurolenses.com

The RightEye Vision System offers an eye tracking solution and Sensorimotor exam for binocular vision disorders.
(301) 979-7970 | righteye.com

Cognivue Thrive is a 5-minute self-administered computerized screening tool that evaluates three cognitive domains: memory, visuospatial, and executive function.
(585) 203-1969 | cognivue.com
Smart Ways to Use Neuro-Optometry Tools on Patients
Charles Shidlofsky, OD, FCOVDNeuro-Vision Associates of North Texas, Plano, TX

We assess all patient types: pediatric patients with developmental vision problems; those with a brain injury; and athletes who have concussion. In addition to a traditional eye exam, I initially do a neuro-optometry evaluation of their binocular vision, ocular motor vision, and visual spatial skills. If a person comes in for a neuro-vision evaluation I would also test balance, cognitive skill and eye tracking ability. If there’s a neurological problem, I’ll do a VEP or ERG (electroretinography) test using LKC’s RETeval handheld device. I use Cognivue for cognitive evaluation, RightEye for sensory motor testing, Balance Tracking Systems’ BTracks to check balance and a WAVi scan to measure brain waves. I give a realistic expectation upfront saying we’ll try to get them back increased functional skills.
Tanya Polec, OD, FCOVDVision & Balance, Tucson, AZ

My patients usually have some type of brain trauma. We evaluate visual system function and integration with body and brain. We use RightEye to monitor how the eye tracks and follows objects; a VEP test from Diopsys that examines whether the brain processes information at a higher level of intensity when the patient wears prism glasses; a binocular vision assessment program from HTS Home Vision Therapy; Bernell’s FCFTester to evaluate the functional peripheral field; and the Reflex Pro to assess pupil response to colored filters. BTracks evaluates the risk of a fall. Therapy takes three to nine months, during which we retrain the brain to teach the visual system and the body to work more effectively.