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Notes on the End of 2020 … and Hopes for 2021

Here are your thoughts for this year.




  • Protect yourself, your office, and your patients. Don’t assume or rely on the public to get a vaccine, assume they did not. — Chris Dudley, Lake Eye Associates/Precision Optics, Lake County, FL
  • You have the best magazine in the industry. Keep it up! Take the vaccine when it’s your turn, this is the only way we get back to “normal” in 2021. — Robert Hillman, Fabulous Fanny’s, New York, NY
  • I’m retired now, but I love keeping up with current optical products etc. Your magazine helps keep my mind sharp in retirement. — Barry Merenstein, 20/20 Opticians, Pittsburgh, PA
  • It is rapidly changing. If you always do what you always did you always get what you always got. Time to be flexible and willing to shake things up! — Sherry Morgan, Logan Eye Care, Lake Mary, FL
  • Thanks for another great year of editorial news and views! — Deb Jaeger, Eye Center Of The Dakotas, Bismarck, ND
  • 2020 was an incredibly difficult year. I hope and pray that our industry and our country will recover and prosper once again. — Sonja Franklin, Od, Modern Eyes, Austin, TX
  • Just waiting for a scratch and sniff edition… — Angel Miller, Cynthiana Vision Center, Cynthiana, KY


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