19 Smoking kills. Smoking blinds. When the American Cancer Society promotes its GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT it invariably cites the threats from cancer and heart disease, as well as smoking’s ability to accelerate aging and cause erectile dysfunction. Occasionally the possibility of vision loss sneaks into the list of top 10 dangers. This year urge your customers to pledge to stop smoking for one day. Age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and Dry Eye Syndrome won’t kill you. But they represent another excellent reason to give up smoking.
1 As the nation prepares to “fall back” (no, that’s not a reference to this week’s election), ask customers with Facebook and Instagram accounts to submit their plans for the “extra hour” they gain today at the END OF DAYLIGHT SAVING.
17 Inspired by Jimmy Kimmel, NATIONAL UNFRIEND DAY urges you to take an honest inventory of your friends list and eliminate all those who aren’t true friends.
28 The big chains have Black Friday, the online giants Cyber Monday, but today — SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY — is all yours. Start your preparations by going to smallbusinesssaturday.com. You’ll find newsletters to sign up for, sample social media posts, free online banners, logos and customizable signage, and more.