(PRESS RELEASE) NORTH ROYALTON, OH — Registration is now open for Beyond 20/20, the Fourth Annual International Sports Vision Association (ISVA) conference, Feb. 6-8, 2020, at the Bahia Resort Hotel in San Diego, CA.
“Sports Vision, the science of helping athletes reach peak levels of performance through the enhancement of visual skills, is becoming more and more important in training individuals of many sports,” says ISVA president Alex Andrich, OD, FCOVD. “With this growth, more practitioners are recognizing that Sports Vision is an excellent specialty service that can become a valuable addition to their primary care practice.”
This year’s meeting kicks off with two separate day-long Pre-Conference Workshops (Feb. 6). Each will each offer up to six hours of continuing education (COPE approval pending) through a combination of lecture and hands-on style, with various evaluation and training techniques and equipment under the guidance of experienced sports vision professionals.
“One workshop is geared towards those interested in establishing a sports vision practice to demonstrate techniques and practices that add unique value to athlete clients,” explains conference education co-chair Greg Appelbaum, Ph.D. “The other workshop is designed for Sports Vision professionals who are already conducting specific vision skill testing and actively engaged in working with athletes and/or teams and looking to provide added services and value to their clients.” Each workshop will be limited to 40 participants.
The ISVA General Conference (Feb. 7-8) will provide an additional 13 hours of continuing education (COPE approval pending). Scheduled speakers include some of the leading authorities in sports vision assessment and training including Paul Harris, OD, FCOVD, FACBO, FAAO, FNAP, Robert Sanet, OD, FCOVD, Kristine Dalton, OD, PhD, MCOptom, FAAO, FBCLA, and Todd Daniels, MS, ATC, LMT, CSCS. A complete list of speakers and scheduled presentation can be found on the ISVA website.
Register by Dec. 5, 2019 to receive an early bird conference discount for the General Conference. Current and new ISVA members receive reduced pricing. Any student in a professional degree program or resident in a post-graduate program is eligible for a complementary membership and there is a minimal registration fee for attending the conference. To register for the conference, see a full list of scheduled speakers and presentations, and receive a special discount rate at the conference hotel, visit www.sportsvision.pro. For further information, email info@sportsvision.pro.