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Resignation of Group CFO and Manager Responsible for the Preparation of the Company’s Financial Documents

Safilo Group informs that Mr. Gerd Graehsler, Group CFO and Manager has resigned with effect from 28 August 2023 to undertake a new professional experience.




(PRESS RELEASE) PADUA – Safilo Group S.p.A. informs that Mr. Gerd Graehsler, Group CFO and manager responsible for  the preparation of the company’s financial documents in accordance with Article 154-bis of the Legislative Decree  58/1998, has resigned with effect from 28 August 2023 to undertake a new professional experience.

The chairman Eugenio Razelli and the CEO Angelo Trocchia – also on behalf of the board of directors, the board of  auditors and the Company’s management – thank Mr. Graehsler for his significant professional contribution and  important support of the group’s turnaround process and development during all the years of the working relationship.

In accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for Market Regulations of the Italian Stock Exchange, it is made  known that Mr. Graehsler, on the basis of the information available to the Company, owns 100.000 ordinary shares Safilo  Group; it is furthermore made known that Mr. Graehsler is not entitled to any compensation or other benefits resulting  from the termination of the positions held within the companies of Safilo Group.

The Company, in accordance with the guidelines drawn up and discussed by the board of directors with regards to the  succession of the top management, has already identified a successor, who will be announced as soon as approved by the  board of directors.


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