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Saying Goodbye to a Dear Friend and Hello to a New Vision Expo

For both things, I am going to make it a point to enjoy a little sun on my face.




THIS IS A bittersweet issue. On the one hand, we have the excitement of a brand-new location for Vision Expo East and all the inherent excitement that comes along with a feeling of renewal and revival. Besides, warm sunshine in February is always a win.

We’ve devoted our cover story to some new products being introduced this spring that those attending the show, or even those remaining home, should know about. Check that out on page 42.

But this issue also highlights the legacy of a man who was a dear friend of the magazine and someone I always looked forward to catching up with at an Expo. Robert Bell began writing for INVISION way back when we needed him way more than he needed us. He took a chance on a fledgling trade magazine in the hope that we would fulfill our promise to become the best, most read trade magazine in the industry. And his contributions helped fulfill that promise. We lost a force of nature with his passing and the industry is a little dimmer for it.


When I took over INVISION magazine from my predecessor, she told me Robert was “difficult.” But I quickly realized she was wrong. He wasn’t difficult. He was passionate. He was opinionated. He had a point of view that was valuable and important and an irreverent and blunt delivery that complemented my own. We were kindred spirits.

The industry not only lost one of its most passionate advocates, but I lost a friend on December 27. I wish I had hugged him longer and harder when I last saw him in September at Vison Expo West. Robert will be dearly missed by many and if you’d like to know more about him and his life, please turn to page 74.

There is never a good way to end an emotional missive about the loss of someone you cared about so I’ll leave you with this: Hold your loved ones close. Bask in some sunshine. Do away with things that don’t bring you joy. Turn up the Beatles and enjoy a cannoli in Robert’s honor.

Best wishes for your business,

Power Yogaing My Way to Metamorphosis

Power Yogaing My Way to Metamorphosis

Power Yogaing My Way to Metamorphosis

Five Smart Tips From This Issue

  1. Are you reminding your patients and customers to shop small and keep it local year-round? We’ve got an easy fix for that. (Manager’s To Do, page 16)
  2. Is it possible I use our business boosters page as a personal wish list? Yes, yes, it is. But with stuff this cool, how could I not? (Eye Pro Gear, page 38)
  3. A visit to a Vision Expo inspired this OD to completely change up his inventory strategy and success followed. Learn how he did it. (America’s Finest, page 70)
  4. If you’re not using your online reviews to actually improve your services then you are seriously missing out. (Columns, page 58)
  5. Despite the bad rap your engineer patients get, when push comes to shove you loooove them … you want to maarrryy them. (Buzz Session, page 66)


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