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Smart Storage Ideas and More Business Boosters for September

Plus additional products that prove eyecare could be a cult…




Smart Storage Ideas and More Business Boosters for September

Cult Following

CULT OF EYEWEAR has added scented all natural eyewear cleaner to its list of available products. In addition to unscented, available scents are Cult Classic (Tea Tree oil) and Wild Orange Vanilla. Available in three sizes; wholesale pricing is available.

$5 for 2 oz., $8 for 4 oz., and $12 for 8 oz.

Chic Storage

The LONGJET Travel Sunglasses Organizer offers a hanging design that can be rolled up and stores five pairs of sunglasses and prescription glasses. Made with a hard outer layer and a flocked inner layer with a convenient handle when rolled up, the sturdy construction prevents lens friction damage when packed.



Smart Storage Ideas and More Business Boosters for September

Clip On

Hair clips are back in vogue. Stay on top of the trend and declare your eye allegiance with one of these Evil Eye hair clips from LTA VISION on Etsy. Made of gold tone plated stainless steel, they come in black, red or white.


Smart Storage Ideas and More Business Boosters for September

Magnet Magic

READEREST’s Magcessory is a dressier version of their magnetic eyeglass holder line and comes in several designs and finishes. Wearers can easily attach their eyewear to any article of clothing by placing the plastic back-plate inside and the front clip to the outside where the magnets automatically attach and self-center.


Smart Storage Ideas and More Business Boosters for September

Pro Promise

EyePromise has introduced Screen Shield Pro to its premium eye vitamin line. Pro is designed to protect and relieve symptoms of digital eye strain for those 18 and up who spend more than eight hours staring at digital screens… so like, everyone.



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