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Startup Offers Subscription Contact Lenses




The firm has over $7 million in funding.

A new company is selling contact lenses on a subscription plan, sending the products directly to consumers’ homes.

Hubble “offers FDA-approved daily contact lenses for $30 a month or $264 a year (before what your insurance may cover),” Mashable reports.

One of the co-founders, Ben Cogan, previously worked for razor-delivery company Harry’s.

For now, the company delivers only Hubble-branded daily lenses. It sources its lenses from St. Shine Optical, a company based in Taiwan.


Hubble has over the past year raised more than $7 million, according to Mashable. It has 10 full-time employees.

GQ notes that “if you don’t have an optometrist, Hubble has a network and will help you find one.”

Read more at Mashable

Read more at GQ



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