Alter Ego Halie Schottelkotte Base of operations Wing Eyecare, Cincinnati, OH Optical managers, we interrupt your regularly-programmed teambuilding efforts with a news flash: While mere mortals hand out lapel...
ALTER EGOJody Shuler BASE OF OPERATIONSEyeCrave Optics, Watertown, NY In 2015, this crusader for consummate eyecare surveyed his domain, and realized all was not well in...
Alter EgoElla Osborne Base of OperationsPortland, OR Ella Osborne is not your typical 9-year-old. She was born with a cataract, which was discovered when she was just 3...
Jade Kowalick Rophie Vision Care, Dunedin, FL THE TASKMASTER HAS kind eyes, a disarming smile and a quick wit. From her perch at Rophie Vision Care...
Alter EgoJennifer DuQuano Base of operationsNuVue Optical, Charlotte, NC How do you win hearts, minds and sales contests? A mastery of words is a good start. Such is...
Alter EgoMichelle Wright Base of OperationsDePoe Eye Center, Stockbridge, GA Before Krypton exploded, Jor El sent his only son, Kal El, to Earth. Kal El became...
Far from mild mannered, The Eyeglass Lass’ alter ego is the illustrated woman known as Siobhán Burns. The owner of an optical boutique of the same...
By day, Arian Fartash is a hard-working private-practice OD splitting her time between Orange County, CA, and San Francisco. But when work is over, she becomes...
Optical League of Extraordinary ECPs When Metropolis was menaced by evil-doers, a handsome alien in blue tights and a red cape appeared to protect the city....
Joey King, Eyelux Optometry, San Diego, CA Joey King, an optician and practice manager, likes the varied aspects of vision care. “More exams equal more opportunities to...
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