They say truth is stranger than fiction. How would your chronicle of this tumultuous year begin?
If you’ve tried — and failed — to improve your business with a new rule, you’re not alone.
From hospital scrubs to bionic digits, this is money seriously well spent.
Our readers know how to improvise.
From showing difficult customers the door to letting employees wear what they want, eyecare biz owners are throwing out the playbook.
4% said their consumption has risen ‘a lot.’
Upside down lenses, leaving the optical unlocked, breaking a celebrity’s glasses—it’s all in a day’s work.
Work? Check. Family? Check. Social life? Check! They share their ways for having it all.
Thanks primarily to COVID-19, only about a quarter of owners and managers expect to see any bottom line growth.
It's been a tough year, but there have been many blessings to be found.
Those free repairs and eye exams need to stop. And no, the patient isn’t always right!
47. How long has it been since you updated/overhauled/installed new … 48. Please rate which generation is your key market segment. (Results reflect a weighted average...
42. Who are you voting for in the 2020 presidential election? Data Dig: The political preferences of ECPs follow national trends: Trump supporters are more likely...
33. Back in 8th grade (or whenever), what did your classmates vote you? Note: You ECPs sure are a friendly, successful lot. And some were so...
23. For you and your business, what has changed forever as a result of COVID-19? 24. If you furloughed employees when the pandemic started, have you…...
15. What do you think will be the next breakout trend in optical products? Better anti-fog solutions Smart eyewear/wearables Customization/3D printing Better Blue Light protection/contact lenses/computer lenses...
7. What were your total sales in 2019? (If you have more than one store, please tell us the average per store. And if you’re Canadian,...
There is still time to cast your vote and answer our survey questions.
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