This article originally appeared in the March 2015 edition of INVISION.

As the son of Oliver Peoples founder Larry Leight and an eyewear creator in his own right, Garrett Leight is growing a presence in luxury optical retailing from his flagship Garrett Leight California Optical store in Los Angeles to shelf space in exclusive optical stores and fashion boutiques worldwide. Doing away with logos and anything flashy or decorative, his sunglasses and optical frames are stylish modern classics, with an emphasis on quality and passion in the making. — C L O D A G H N O R T O N
This article originally appeared in the March 2015 edition of INVISION.
All I remember about my childhood is sports, sports and more sports. I remember my dad teaching me to ride a bike at Rancho Park. I remember playing Little League baseball and youth basketball. My first encounter with glasses was at a very young age, but I don’t remember it, so it must not have been that impactful for me.
My dad and I both love the Dodgers and we love tropical weather.
I love to visit Jamaica any time of year.
My greatest inspiration is about 5-foot-7 with red curly hair and the best sense of humor, and she thinks I’m the smartest man alive.
Work inspires my work. Part of managing a business is that different things are always happening, whether they be good or bad … the everyday challenges of being a creative director and CEO are what inspire me.
I love writing, so I’d love to make a film or a play. I’ve dreamed of working in the sports industry as a sports agent.
My favorite musical artist is Bob Marley and my favorite book is Steve Jobs. (He read it twice.)
I’d love to own a hotel on a tropical island and design the whole experience from A to Z. In fact, real estate is great. One day I hope to own a bunch of property so I can sit back and watch it make money!
The most important thing to me at work is my team and making sure everyone loves their job and is happy. I really believe in what we are doing here, and I think in the long run we can do some really special things. I feel lucky to be part of it and I hope that my staff does, too. And I believe they do.
“My daughter Ila was born last August and it’s easily the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. She’s so cool. Dad life is the best.”