“Monday, Monday … so good to me. Monday mornin’, was all I hoped it would be.” — The Mamas & The Papas
YOU’RE ASLEEP. The alarm goes off. You awake. Your first thought is, “Oh lord no, it’s Monday morning.” Groan!
You’re asleep. You awake a minute before the alarm goes off. Your first thought is, “Thank God yes! It’s Monday!!!”
Who do you think is gonna have a better week?
(If you’re currently the former, try re-reading my February 2017 article, “Go to the Hat!” at invisionmag.com/021901 for a jump start!)
The biggest challenge for a sales trainer and coach, like myself, is to change someone’s attitude. It’s hard enough accomplishing this in person but even harder, still, in a magazine. Yet, I’m gonna try by challenging you today. We’ll call our challenge the Monday Morning Mission Statement.
I want you to write out two personal mission statements for Mondays but I’ll add a little twist.
First, a personal mission statement can be defined in a variety of ways but, for our purposes, let’s define it as a statement of what you’d like to achieve, what goals you’d like to accomplish… on a Monday. Here’s the twist: I’d like you to write these statements with a very specific challenge in mind.
The specific challenge for the first mission statement is: write it in a way that makes the experience your patients/customers have with you blasé and where you recommend products that make their lives unproductive. Here’s an example: “My mission on Monday is to work with my customers in an ‘I don’t give a rat’s behind, half-assed’ sort of manner and to not make any effort, whatsoever, to share with them the products available that would certainly improve their lives.”
Don’t use my example, write down your own. Yes, I’m serious!
The specific challenge for the second mission statement is: how will you make your patients’ lives more dynamic today? Here’s an example: “My Monday Morning Mission is to recognize and act on the fact that I have the skills and products to dynamically change my customers lives at home and at work. I will always be exuberant in my efforts.”
Don’t use my example, write down your own.
Now, take these two Monday Morning Mission Statements and on Sunday night, put them, side by side, somewhere where you will see them before you leave for work the next morning. Read them. Decide how you’re gonna spend your Monday. By the way, this will most likely dictate how the rest of your week will go.
Or, if you’re a practice/business owner, write out these two Monday Morning Mission Statements and post them in your break room. Perhaps, have every employee (including yourself) initial the statement they’d like to follow before they begin work. Maybe in following weeks give each of your employees the opportunity to post their own two Monday Morning Mission Statements to place in the break room?
Monday morning, so good to me!