(PRESS RELEASE) ALEXANDRIA, VA – Think About Your Eyes, a national public awareness campaign about the importance of scheduling an annual eye exam with an optometrist, has announced the addition of the California, Delaware and Massachusetts state optometric associations to the current group of leadership states.
These three states bring the total number of state associations supporting the campaign to 44. Each supporting state association provides its members a free listing on the doctor locator at ThinkAboutYourEyes.com. The addition of the California, Delaware and Massachusetts membership to the locator increases locator offerings to 22,000 listings, increasing the likelihood that a patient using the locator will find an optometrist in their area through Think About Your Eyes.
A 2017 survey of 2,000 patients of Think About Your Eyes doctors showed that patients see value in the Think About Your Eyes campaign. Forty-eight percent of patients said they had a more favorable impression of their optometrist when they learned of their involvement with the campaign.
“Think About Your Eyes would not be possible without support of the leadership states,” said Dr. Steve Loomis, chair of Think About Your Eyes. “By providing optometrists with a listing, they are not only bringing patients into offices, but ensuring the future of the campaign.”
Think About Your Eyes TV, radio, and online ads are running through September, capitalizing on the back-to-school timeframe. Campaign ads and Facebook posts encourage patients to visit the Think About Your Eyes website to find an eye doctor. More than 1.5 million people have visited the website in 2018, an increase of more than 200% over this time last year.
For general campaign inquiries, and industry partners interested in supporting the campaign, contact Laurel O’Connor, senior communications manager, at loconnor@thinkaboutyoureyes.com.