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Tip Sheet

Tip Sheet: June 2015




Learn the secret to a productive life

Tom Hopkins, author of How to Master the Art of Selling, claims that the question you will read at the end of this paragraph holds the secret to a life of productivity. But there’s a caveat. Hopkins says his own mentor warned him that once he shared the secret, “You’ll never look at what you’re doing in the same way ever again.” In fact, his mentor added, “You might even get angry at me for telling you, because you’ll never get it out of your head.” Bet you can’t wait, huh? OK, here it is: Hang a sign in your workspace that asks one question, and then ask that question of everything you do. The question? “Are you doing the most productive thing possible right now?” Yep, that’s all there is to it.

This article originally appeared in the May 2015 edition of INVISION.


Allow animals into your store

Show You Care for Animals

Sight Optical, one of the finalists in INVISION’s America’s Finest Optical Retailers contest in 2014, is definitely one of the more pet-friendly eyecare businesses out there. As the business posted on Facebook, “With the weather getting warmer, do not worry about leaving your animals in the car. They are always welcome.” Very considerate.

Send Up a Firework Alert

With the Fourth of July on its way, June is the best time to warn clients about the dangers of fireworks and to encourage people to let the pros provide the pyrotechnic fun. According to statistics from VSP, fireworks cause nearly 9,000 injuries each year — and 60 percent of them take place between mid-June and mid-July. Make sure clients know that if they sustain an eye injury, they shouldn’t rub their eyes, attempt to rinse their eyes, apply pressure to the eye itself, or apply ointment or over-the-counter medicine to their eyes. What should they do? Seek medical attention right away! Get more tips from the Consumer Product Safety Commission at

Make Little Things Add Up


Big dreams have their place, but it’s the sum of the little things that get you there, says John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing. To ensure you’re focused on the right things — making more sales calls, networking in the community and taking a local reporter out for coffee — Jantsch suggests you create a scorecard with 10 marketing-related actions and rate each one for importance, say five points for attending a local women’s group meeting and one for writing on your blog. Set a weekly target of 20 points. This should help you stay focused on what’s important.

Offer Some, Uh, Relief

Wild idea No. 27 — a tip from the Statue of Liberty. If you’re in an urban area, offer to take in those teeming masses searching for sanctuary, or in this case, a restroom. Remove those Visa and Mastercard signs (everybody takes credit cards) and replace them with: “Yes! You may use our restroom!” To capitalize on your grateful visitors’ attention, post promos featuring your hottest-sellers on your bathroom wall.

Selfie card from Oakland Vision Center
Oakland Vision Center’s “selfie card” generates social media buzz.

Start Being More Selfie-ish

They’re doing a lot of innovative things at Oakland Vision Center in Oakland, CA. One clever initiative are these “selfie cards,” which encourage people to take a selfie and share their new eyewear on Instagram and Facebook. It’s not just a fun way to say thanks to your clients. It’s a smart, low-pressure way to generate extra buzz on the biggest word-of-mouth machine of all: social media.

Change Your Title


What is the title on each of your salespeople’s business cards? It’s best to not include the word “sales” anywhere, says Entrepreneur Magazine’s Ultimate Small Business Marketing Guide. In the food chain of occupations, salespeople rank just a little above lawyers. So avoid the word. Better titles include “eyewear stylist,” “eyecare consultant,” “licensed optician” and “frame stylist.” Or try something fun like “glasses guru” or “eyewear fanatic.”

Ready For Something Fishy?

Planning a summer dinner party with fish on the menu? If you don’t take yourself too seriously and have a weakness for extremely bad puns, we’ve got the perfect name for your event: Salmon Chanted Evening. (Thank you, thank you, we’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waiters.)

Big Logos Bring Small Results

Are you one of those business owners who is always asking your designer to make your logo bigger? Or to fill that annoying white space with more text? If so, this video will show you exactly what those designers think of you. Note: In case it’s not obvious, this video is sarcastic. Watch, and you should get the message:


Get the Practice of Your Dreams With Omg! Optical Marketing Group

This high volume practice had outgrown their ultra successful location and needed expansion. The idea was big, just like Texas! Design a fusion concept that featured optometry, aesthetics, fitness + wellness. Mission accomplished. Download the Free Lookbook.

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