More than a third of UK drivers questioned in a recent survey admitted that they could not see properly when they drive. A surprising 36 percent of 1,571 drivers told the survey for Sight Care, a support network for independent opticians in Britain, that their eyesight was not at an acceptable standard when they were driving. A quarter admitted that they could not see well when driving at night and 11 percent revealed that their daytime vision was ‘blurry’ when they were in their cars. Sight Care chief executive Paul Surridge said: “The figures speak for themselves. Nearly 3,000 people are killed or injured every year in car accidents caused because of poor eyesight. This is tragic, especially considering how easy it is to book an eye test and get most vision problems sorted out. … We are urging everyone who feels the same to get in touch with their local independent optician and get their eyesight tested as soon as possible.” See more at