He’ll also serve as SVP. WATERTOWN, MA — EyePoint Pharmaceuticals Inc., a specialty biopharmaceutical company committed to developing and commercializing innovative...
Lilly Asia Ventures led the round. WALTHAM, MA — Avedro Inc., an ophthalmic pharmaceutical and medical device company focused on corneal remodeling, has secured $25 million...
Vision Expo is about three things. Education, networking and shopping! The Vision Council has the training covered but let us school you on the things you...
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CONTEST ENTRY AND RULES Simple. Write a 500-word essay on the following subject: If you could order all eyecare pros to do one specific thing, and they had...
Hear What the Industry Thinks About the Ultimate Lens Package by Essilor Eye care professionals, patients, and Essilor sales consultants shared their feedback on the Ultimate Lens...
You may think you’re ready for a Medicare Audit. But are you? Little things count—but they can mean the difference between a great outcome...
BRAC and VisionSpring partnered on the effort. (Press Release) DHAKA, BANGLADESH — VisionSpring and BRAC provided 1 million pairs of affordable eyeglasses to low-income customers, achieving...
Photo Galleries For quick inspiration, browse INVISION’s growing catalog of image collections. Latest Eyewear Frames in Focus Optical Retail’s Best America’s Finest Weird...
Finally! An optical trade mag that speaks out and stands up proud, declaring: 1. Eyeglasses are a fashion statement2. Eyeglasses are amazing devices that enable us...
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