International Vision Expo & Conference is now accepting course proposals from prospective speakers for both Vision Expo East 2016 (April 14-17, 2016) and Vision Expo West 2016 (September 14-17, 2016). Each applicant can submit any number of courses to be considered by International Vision Expo’s Conference Advisory Board.
While the submission database will be active year-round, in order to have the best opportunity to be considered for the International Vision Expo East 2016 program, submit course proposals by February 20, 2015.
The Conference Advisory Board will convene in May 2015 to develop the Vision Expo East 2016 education curriculum using the course submissions collected through the speaker management system. International Vision Expo East traditionally offers over 300 hours of education focused on disease diagnosis and treatment, clinical application of products and healthy business solutions.
To submit a course proposal for either Vision Expo East 2016 or Vision Expo West 2016, visit