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Vision Impairments Increases Depression and Anxiety in Children and More of What You Need to Know for August

Including the drastic cuts consumers are taking to tackling inflation and how investing in your healthcare plan could be the solution to your staffing issues.




Vision Impairments Increases Depression and Anxiety in Children and More of What You Need to Know for August

Consumers Cut Spending Due to Inflation

To gauge the human-level impact of this poor economic climate, Breeze, an online disability and critical illness insurance company, surveyed 2,003 adult consumers. They found that 88% have cut spending as a result of inflation and rising prices. Amongst those that have cut back on groceries or restaurants, 75% said they are worried about providing food for themselves or their families. 52% are worried about job security; 63% are struggling to meet monthly rent or mortgage payments and 54% of respondents who own supplementary insurance said they are struggling to pay monthly premiums and 77% are considering canceling.

Depression, Anxiety Higher in kids with Vision Impairment

A study by Orbis International published in the peer-reviewed journal Ophthalmology found that children with myopia experienced significantly higher levels of depression and anxiety than their peers without vision impairment. In addition, findings indicated that surgery to correct strabismus significantly improved symptoms of depression and anxiety in children.

Globally, an estimated 19 million children under 14 have vision impairment or are blind. While the prevalence of eye disorders, depression and anxiety is lower among children than adults, these conditions pose a greater risk to children when not identified and corrected promptly.

Investing in Health Key to Staffing

A report by the International Longevity Centre UK highlights that investing in preventative health measures will be crucial to getting people to stay in and return to the workforce. The report finds that the U.S. economy is increasingly reliant on older workers and spenders, and if employers fail to create an attractive offer for workers of all ages, they will pay the price. The report found that 1 in 3 workers is aged 50+ (34% of the workforce) and this could rise to 42% of the workforce by 2035. In 2018, workers aged 50 and over generated nearly $2 in every $5 dollars earned in the U.S. economy, accounting for around 15% of GDP.



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