OFFICE MILESTONES — whether it’s a store anniversary, a staff birthday or retirement, or reaching a sales or other business goal — are golden opportunities to reward loyal clientele and to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your team. While a party is always a classic choice, there are countless other creative and impactful ways to celebrate these special occasions. Below are six fresh, out-of-the-box ideas shared by your fellow ECPs to inspire your next celebration.
Decatur Eye Care
Decatur, GA
To celebrate a recent anniversary, Decatur Eye Care owner Dr. Tom Brillante took his staff to an upscale mall in Atlanta, with each staff member getting $100 to spend and a paid day off. “The mall trip was great!” he reports. “My staff got to enjoy some relaxing time together. And what’s better than selecting clothes on the office’s tab?! We went to lunch afterwards at a farm-to-table restaurant close by. It was a lot of fun and really well received!” Brillante already has plans for the next milestone event, and he’s aiming high. Indoor skydiving! While initial responses to the idea have been somewhat wary, he’s not deterred. “I thought this was a winner. But my office manager wasn’t too crazy about it so it’s shelved for now. May try and bring it up again at a future date though. It’s unique, it makes for a great story, worth a try, right?” Right!
Midwest Eye
Downers Grove, IL
For their five-year anniversary Midwest Eye hit on a “beach party” theme — but it wasn’t so much a party (though food and drink was provided) as a case of redecorating the whole office in a beachside and maritime theme as a backdrop for three days of trunk shows and raffles. “Lots of fun but crazy,” says practice manager Pam Peters. For their 10th this year, however, they’re looking into some different ideas that are less focused on the office itself and “more to celebrate our staff, maybe with a field trip or volunteer day, new staff photos.” They are also working on National Sunglass Day photos, and for patients will possibly bring in a new frame line with an announcement and/or trunk show. “Still looking into ideas!”
Family Eye Care
North Andover, MA
For their 25th seven years ago, Family Eye Care did little packs of M&Ms and 25% off for the month of January. But that was just for starters. They also raffled a Kindle and AirPods and handed out Starbucks gift certificates to every 25th customer. “We ended getting more back than we gave as patients were happy we are still here,” recalls owner Dr. Patti Richard. They skipped a 30-year bash as it was just after COVID but are currently getting ready for the big “3-5” in 2027. In case you’re in any doubt that this stuff works, the effect of that monthlong discount still lingers. Says Richard: “The patients still prebook January spots!”
Eye Designs of Westchester
Scarsdale, NY
As part of its ongoing 40th anniversary celebrations, Eye Designs has announced the brilliant #40ActsOfKindness campaign to show its appreciation to its patients and community, with a donation to the local Lions Club chapter kicking things off. According to owner Harris Decker and his mother Sharon (Eye Designs’ founder), the practice has also had shop cloths printed with a special 40th anniversary logo, which are being given away to customers who make purchases this summer. Eye Designs is something of an old hand at this — 10 years ago they celebrated turning 30 by hosting trunk shows every Saturday in June. (And yes, they did hold a party to mark their 40th — but not just any old party. Their “block party” filled the parking lot with food trucks, beverages and giveaways.)
Kittery Optometric Associates
Kittery, ME
Kittery Optometric Associates recently farewelled a pair of practice veterans and knew that something more than a cake was warranted for the retirements of two of its longest-serving employees. According to practice administrator Anna Kirby, “Our technician manager was celebrating 20 years with us, and one of our opticians was celebrating 28. They didn’t want much of a party or gifts, but we did a fundraiser that staff and patients could participate in and donated over $700 to a local charity.” It’s a great message for a practice to send — even in bowing out they make an impact on their community.
Mcculley Optix Gallery
Fargo, ND
When it comes to milestones, the folks at McCulley Optix don’t mess about. For their 10th anniversary in 2016, they did have a party, but that was just to kick things off. They kept on celebrating the whole year by giving away $10,000 — $1,000 a month for 10 months — to nonprofits nominated by the community. Previous anniversaries have been marked by prize giveaways, steep discounts on second pairs, and up to three straight days of trunk shows.