From music festivals to across the universe spec style this season has it covered.
From environmentally conscious manufacturing processes to a dedicated reduction in their carbon footprints, this sunwear is the fusion of style and sustainability.
“New” to younger generations and nostalgic for older ones, these glasses are appealing and sellable.
Color, customization and a greater understanding of cognition are all on offer.
This classic shape paired with contemporary styling will leave you thinking INSIDE the box.
The latest product hitting the market brought to you by the newest team member on INVISION’s roster.
Overall things slowed down with a more scattered representation of brands.
An increase in luxury brands have made the list.
With many businesses still reopening, sales are still down but here are some of the winners.
Name change reflects company’s more global outlook.
Get the most important news and business ideas for eyecare professionals every weekday from INVISION.