(PRESS RELEASE) The American Academy of Optometry is accepting applications for booth space in the exhibit hall at Academy 2019 Orlando and the 3rd World Congress of Optometry. In addition to exhibit space, there are multiple corporate sponsorship opportunities available. This joint meeting, held in conjunction with the World Council of Optometry, will be held Oct. 23-27, 2019, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL.
This year’s exhibit hall will feature more than 200 companies displaying the latest products and technology. The exhibit hall offers opportunities to be present among leaders in the eyecare industry, in addition to showcasing innovative products and services to the vision science community. Attendees will also be able to take advantage of extended learning in Vision Theater session presentations by exhibitors right on the exhibit hall floor.
Academy 2018 San Antonio, the most recent annual meeting of the Academy, was the largest meeting in the Academy’s history with a total of 7,948 registrants including 4,625 optometrists and vision scientists and 1,168 students. Attendees engaged in high-quality continuing education sessions, experienced new products and technologies in the exhibit hall, and learned about the latest in vision research that is advancing the profession.
The Academy 2019 Orlando and 3rd World Congress of Optometry Program Preview provides an overview of the exciting events and CE that will be offered. Registration and housing are now open and early bird registration ends Aug. 23, 2019.
For more information on booking space in the exhibit hall and corporate sponsorship opportunities, visit www.aaopt.org/2019/exhibits or contact sales@aaoptom.org.