1 Less time outdoors … More screen time … Higher incidence of myopia among children … It’s not a slam dunk in terms of causality but these are the trends that warrant more discussion. During Child Vision Awareness Month, reach out to local kindergartens, elementary schools, and PTAs to see how you can help spread information on eye health and the impact of uncorrected vision on children.
16 It’s Father’s Day, and all over America, fathers are practicing that look — the one of thrilled surprise when he receives another pair of socks. This year, encourage kids to give their dads a real surprise: Something high tech and sporty from the sunglasses family should do the trick.
20 It feels like the world has tilted. The days are longer, the air warmer, the sun’s rays more direct. Yes, summer is here. Mark the first official day of the season with a sunglass sale. (All the better if you can set up a tent in the parking lot to take advantage of everyone’s excitement to get outside and do “outdoorsy stuff.”)
28 On National Food Truck Day, team up with a particularly popular mobile operator and lure the hungry crowds with an offer of a free burger or cheesy fries with any purchase, exam, or other treatment.