Bucket lists, side gigs, and living a life you are proud of.
This wasn’t originally intended to be an issue about ambition but that’s sort of what it turned into.
Ambition is a funny thing. On one hand, it motivates and drives people to do better and accomplish more. On the other, it can be all consuming and blind you to other important parts of your life. I suppose that’s where the term blind ambition comes from … But this is a magazine for the eyecare industry, and we don’t like, as one Brain Squad member recently put it, the “B word” around here.
But we do like ambitious ECPs who are on a constant quest to educate themselves, and their patients, through continuing education. That’s why we have once again teamed up with the Vision Council to offer six hours of ABO and/or COPE approved CE during Vision Expo West in Las Vegas on Saturday, Sept. 16. For more on that program, see page 95. For those looking for something a little less formal but no less informative, I am very excited to be sitting down with our America’s Finest Optical Retailer 2017 winner, Dr. Michael Kling of Invision Optometry for a Pop Up Talk — INVISION2 — in the Vision Expo Content Studio in the Galleria on Friday, Sept. 15, at 4pm. Please join us!
If you’re not making it to the show this year, have no fear. We also have some ambitious and inspiring folks featured throughout the Big Story on optical bucket lists and our Special Feature on side gigs, Every Day You’re Hustling, who are full of boundless energy, aspirations big and small, and have not lost sight of what’s important … living a life you can be proud of.
That seems like an ambition we should all aspire to.
Best wishes for your business,
Dee Carroll
Five Great Tips From This Issue You Can Try Today
- Oct. 15-21 is National Sight Week. Days to talk about our favorite topic … What will you plan? (Calendar)
- Magazines shouldn’t be the only ones with editorial calendars. You should have one for your social media too. (Manager’s To-Do)
- Looking for ways to make your waiting room more comfy and fun? We got you. (Eye Pro Gear)
- Need a quick, mid-day pick-me-up? We’ve got something you can sink your teeth into. (Tip Sheet)
- Hiring the right people is a PIA. We have one OD’s fool-proof way for getting the best candidate for the job. (Ask INVISION)
This article originally appeared in the September 2017 edition of INVISION.