(PRESS RELEASE) Vision Solutions Rx Inc, maker of virtual reality therapy solutions for multiple learning and cognitive disorders, and Xenon-VR , the first company to provide a true mobile, virtual reality medical grade headset designed for the ophthalmic industry Inc jointly announce a new technology strategic technology sharing partnership. This collaboration will bring the next generation Diagnostic Medical equipment for screening, diagnostics, and therapy.
Xenon-VR (XVR) is a medical device company that has designed and is bringing to market next-generation eye diagnostic equipment for use by Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, eye care Clinics, and other eye-care professionals.
The company Xenon-VR is a Delaware C-Corp. based in New Jersey. It is bringing to market the “Next-Generation of Eye Exams”, as early as Q1,2023, in a compact, wearable headset.
Xenon-VR’s first-generation products, called Xenon-1 (X-1) and Xenon-2(X-2), uses Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, patented Optics, a sophisticated Eye-Tracking System (ETS), and Liquid-Lens technologies – all integrated on a patented Virtual Reality Platform. Xenon-VR products are FDA registered X-1 and X-2 provide multiple eye exams in a headset and function as different eye diagnostic equipment would in an eye doctor practice. Using a headset can provide more accurate and convenient ways for the doctor who may run a small practice to perform eye examinations. Our liquid lens technology replaces outdated hard lenses, provides faster refraction for eye care providers, and leads to faster servicing of patients. Xenon-VR is a comprehensive diagnostic examination whereas its competition offers only monitoring or screening functions. Xenon-VR offers 16+ exams including:
- Visual Field Test: (10-2,24-2,24-2C,30-2: (SITA, SITA-Fast, SITA-Faster) – Goldmann Standard – Medical Grade Device
- Wavefront Refraction (ABT) & phoropter – With Objectives and Subjective.
- Color Vision Extension Vision (D-15)
- Visual Acuity (Near and Far Acuity)
- Contrast | Low Contrast Visual Acuity
- Pupillometry
- Extraocular Motility
- Vision Screeners
- Binocular Humphrey Esterman Visual Fields (HEVF)
It is with great excitement to announce collaboration in the following manner to begin 2023 collectively.
- VisionWEARx cognitive testing will be preloaded on all Xenon-1 (X-1) and Xenon-2(X-2) models by end of 2022 with an anticipated hardware sales for 2023 of 1000 units
- VisionWEARx will participate as a functional testing module for its cognitive tests in a large 10,000 patient study in Kenya Africa to begin Q1 2023
- VisionWEARx will be rolled out with the launch of 250 pre sold Xenon-2(X-2) models for January 2023 with SAAS and diagnostic revenues
- Xenon-2(X-2) models will be deployed to all clinical trials initiated by VisionWEARx partners 2022-2023 in collaboration
- Both companies will work together in the development of a virtual pen
- Both companies will develop in collaboration a base unit VR headset cost effective and robust to accommodate a screening and therapy model
- Both companies look to collaborate on additional cognitive testing models such as PTSD, Autism, Asperger’s and Irlen Syndrome for 2023
From Zeshan Khan and Jeffrey Williamson: “This partnership will be able to address issues and problems from Dyslexia, dysphoria and Irlen syndrome to the eye care industry and with the Xenon-VR patented technology will be able to provide a true telehealth solution where doctors and patients are not in the same room but same time they are collecting and diagnosis their patients remotely.
For Doctors and other eyecare professionals, they are able to reduce their timeframe to see their patients remotely and able to see 5x more patients at the same time they are seeing one patient in traditional tabletop equipment.
This partnership will have a huge impact on eye care in the world, and the fact that Xenon-VR is not one and done but also able to continuously improve the eyecare industry with larger array of tests possible and more accurate compared to existing equipment.
“These new digital tools and solutions will elevate patient interactions, gain practice efficiencies, increase capacity of insurance covered procedures at a time when there is intense pressure for staffing and throughput.”