Megan Baureis, ODUptown Eyes Eyewear Gallery, Fayetteville, AR
Optometry is really a people business and one in which Dr. Megan Baureis excels. “I love our team and our patients! We get to meet the most amazing people every day.” But running her own business also provides other benefits she loves. “The flexibility and versatility that an independently owned business offers,” she adds. “Whether it’s experimenting with a new schedule, throwing an event, remodeling, playing with different marketing ideas.” So naturally, the things that take her away from that are her least favorite: “The days where paper/computer work exceeds patient time, and the current state of our managed care plans and how much energy is put into it.” Not to mention all the digital platforms that require monthly subscriptions… To unwind, she spends crisp fall days on her deck with her husband, wine in hand, watching her kids play outside. In the summertime, it’s all the lake time her family can get. In between, she loves to organize! “Decluttering around me declutters my brain and makes me feel calmer, and a run with a good audiobook is super helpful too.”