The final installment of Robert Bell’s four-part series on how to tell YOUR story to strengthen your brand.
Part 3 of 4 in Robert Bell’s series on how to tell your story to strengthen your brand.
The second of Robert Bell’s four-part series on how to tell YOUR story to strengthen your brand.
The first of a four-part series on storytelling to strengthen your brand.
After all “Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer!”
But before he goes, let's review some key points of The EyeCoach Selling System he's been sharing these past several years.
Plot twist: Robert Bell decided not to teach you a damn thing a long time ago.
You’re about to get much better at selling.
You're just doing it wrong anyway.
Plus it has the added benefit of showing them you value them.
Was it the sale with the biggest price tag or where you overcame the most objections? No and no.
Because you can't have success without failure.
Sounds simple, but many don't do it when trying to sell eyewear.
Channel that sort of excitement every Monday with your own Monday Morning Mission Statement.
Just like Robert Bell.
If the average patient needs three pairs of glasses, why aren't doctors writing three prescriptions?
It's hard to determine which sales reps could be valuable to you. Here's a form that will help.
Often, such questions are a plea for you to sell clients.
The most successful sales strategy is getting the customer to think and talk.
Don’t give patients a reason to go elsewhere by rejecting the idea of being a retailer.