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Robert Bell

How to Handle Cold Calling Reps, Bonus Downloadable Form!

It’s hard to determine which sales reps could be valuable to you. Here’s a form that will help.




How to Handle Cold Calling Reps, Bonus Downloadable Form!

ON THE SURFACE, this is usually a column about selling techniques for ECPs. Yet, what I like to think this column truly does is encourage people to make effective decisions and in a timely manner. A timely manner!

Time is important. Lack of time is a killer. And, according to most of you, there isn’t a bigger time-suck than the sales rep that makes a cold call. Many of you get so angry and frustrated with the reps for doing this to you, and I understand why, but wanna know the irony? You’re doing this to yourself.

Y’see, no one has ever taught you how to best deal with a cold calling rep and the paradox is, no one needs to. I haven’t met a single one of you who couldn’t figure this out on your own. Have you spent any time thinking about this? C’mon, seriously. Have you sat down with a piece of paper and a pen and spent at least 15 minutes scratching out some ideas?

If you haven’t, let’s see if I can offer you some.

Keep in mind a few things…

They’re just doing their jobs (like you’re doing yours). This is the way they feed themselves and their families. So be considerate!


As much as this annoys you, you want these reps knocking on your door. In fact, you need them knocking on your door. Why? They are your direct link to the industry side of your business and profession. They are your direct link to new (and sometimes, ‘must-have’) products or services, new technologies, new best business practices and, usually, a fount of valuable information. They are the source!

You are generally in one location 40 hours a week. They’re in up to 50 or so a week seeing the best (and worst) of your competitors and peers. For the smart ECP, this can be extremely advantageous.

Now, I hope you’re shaking your head and thinking: “Ok Robert, but still, we can’t see every rep and a lot of them do waste our time!”

Of course, but how do you determine which rep and/or company may be extremely valuable now or in the future?  Aye, there’s the rub.

Download the Frame Rep Form here, then do this:

REP: “Hi, I’m Ish Kabibble with Gloriosky Optical Company and I’d like to speak with the buyer.”


YOU: “Hi Ish. Thanks for coming in, we appreciate it. But, we’re very busy, so the buyer asks that all reps that come in fill out this form.

Now, this is just an example of a form for frame reps and the questions you might ask. Like it? Great, feel free to use it. Want to change some things, ask questions that may be more relevant for you? By all means! Want to create specific forms for reps from labs, lens companies, contact lens companies, etc.? I highly suggest that. In a way, this is an employment application, so ask what you want to ask.

For smart sales reps reading this, you’ll know exactly what to do to set yourself apart.

But, most importantly, whether you’re a rep or an ECP, always be respectful of someone else’s time.


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