18 On SERENDIPITY DAY the idea of “happy accidents” sounds like a great theme for a sales event — either with surprise giveaways or as an excuse to roll the dice with a randomly chosen marketing event and see where it leads you.
28 A Long Island station broadcast the FIRST RADIO COMMERCIAL 100 years ago. People may start their optometrist search on Google, but if they recognize your name via mass media first, your chances of winning the client skyrocket. Radio is still effective and cheaper than ever. Consider a campaign ahead of the busy final quarter.
14-17 You could bet the family home on 17 Black but an arguably more prudent way to secure your future would be to add some CE in Vegas. Yes, we’re talking about extra classes at VISION EXPO WEST. Pre-register here to lock in savings:
15 It’s DEER HUNTING SEASON – time to reach out to all those “deer widows” with an invitation to a Ladies Night trunk show. Partner with local businesses to offer free massages, make-up samples, and food. Rockford Family Eyecare in Rockford, MI, which holds such an event, dresses staff in blaze orange vests to support the theme.