4 The envelope, please. And the winner for best choice of eyewear at the 90th ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS is … Your customers will expect you to know, so be ready. Last year we particularly liked the social media commentary of Anthony Gaggi at Anthony Aiden Opticians in New York, who shared in a since deleted tweet: Miss Meryl Streep. With all due respect. Please let us style you #glassesfail …. #oscars #merylstreep
13 Basketball is the leading cause of eye injuries among 15- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. That makes the NCAA tournament, a.k.a. MARCH MADNESS, which starts today, the perfect time to raise awareness about the benefits of protective eyewear.
14 On INTERNATIONAL ASK A QUESTION DAY, think of a “stupid” query that’s been on your mind and go forth to seek the answer.
29 On the 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF SAM WALTON’S BIRTHDAY, say a quiet thanks for cheaper underwear. Also, take a tip from the great discounter: Never stop learning. As a Walton child, you inherited a billion dollars, but also spent every family vacation visiting successful stores around the country.