EVERY ISSUE, WHEN I write this Editor’s Note it feels like I’m writing to the future you. I write it several weeks before it appears, but it needs to sound like I wrote it yesterday. And a lot can happen in a few weeks. In this case, we’ll be in a new year and a whole new decade when you read it.
Personally, the end of 2019 was difficult for me. Regardless of the specifics, I am sure I am not alone. Normally, we greet a New Year with a renewed sense of optimism, but a lot of ECPs are worried about changes in the industry. 2020 naturally has us looking to the future of optometry, so we reached out to industry experts to share what they believe to be the biggest trends we can expect this year and beyond. (Big Story, page 34). Spoiler alert: Many will be scary to independent ECPs.
Don’t worry; there are fun things to look forward to. In this issue, we’re introducing some new mini-columns — like ECPs Tell Jokes, Tough Jobs and What I Know for Sure, where ECPs share the things they know to be true. We’re also debuting three new regular contributors. First up is Autianna Wilson, you may know her as The Optical Goddess (@goddessofoptix), and her new column — DiscoverEyes by The Optical Goddess (page 28) — where she will be introducing INVISION readers to truly independent eyewear brands each month. 4ECP’s Cameron Martel (page 52) will be alternating a column with Kaia Carter on marketing and human resource topics. Lastly, eYeFacilitate’s Mark Hinton will be sharing sales wisdom in his monthly column (page 51).
When bad things happen, I like to focus on the positive … the lesson the bad thing is meant to teach me to turn it into a positive. I hope that’s how you approach the predictions our experts are sharing.
Best wishes for your business,

Five Smart Tips From This Issue
1. Do your docs straighten up the frame boards? They probably should occasionally. We tell you why. (Manager’s To-Do, page 18)
2. Can you wait just 10 minutes? That’s all experts say you need to increase willpower and break bad habits. (Tip Sheet, page 46)
3. New sales columnist, who dis? Say hi to Mark Hinton and his ideas on dispensary sales. (Columns, page 51)
4. Lift your business out of mediocrity by setting some standards. (Ask INVISION, page 55)
5. Wondering if you should accept Friend Requests from patients? Readers weigh in. (Do You or Don’t You?, page 60)