30 In his book The Checklist Manifesto, Harvard associate professor Dr. Atul Gawande showed checklists of “no-brainer” items used during medical operations could cut surgery deaths by 40 percent. Yet many doctors resisted the use of the pre-set lists, convinced that their brains were superior to any paper form. Most of us have the same arrogance when it comes to our work and skills. But in an increasingly complex world, a system that ensures nothing is overlooked has become a necessity. On NATIONAL CHECKLIST DAY, reinforce your systems with a more methodical approach.
1 GERMAN AMERICAN HERitAGE MONTH. Few nations have provided more to the U.S. in terms of population or had a bigger influence on the cuisine (hamburgers), good times (beer), and vision (Zeiss, Bausch & Lomb, etc.) than Germany. Strike up the polka band; it’s time for an Oktoberfest trunk show!
5 Graphic artist Harvey Ball created the Smiley Face as a symbol of good cheer 55 years ago and later initiated WORLD SMILE DAY to remind people that we do the most good when we do something that makes someone smile. Today, set a bold goal – strive to bring a smile to the face of every service provider, co-worker, employee, patient and customer you encounter.
10 FACE YOUR FEARS DAY. Think of something that is making you anxious and ask yourself: What’s the worst that could possibly happen if you dealt with it? Now, could you handle the repercussions?